🎉 Welcome to beta release.
Data Publishers


Welcome to the Event List, providing an overview of supported events. Each event has a common field, and some events may include additional information specific to their context. Gain insights into the available data for your applications or integrations.

Common Fields

These fields are consistently present across all events, providing fundamental information that helps you understand and analyze the data.

eventIdUnique identifier assigned to this event for tracking and analysis.
eventTimeTimestamp indicating when the event occurred.
userIdUnique identifier for the user you send to us.


ABC User Logged In

When a user opens your mini-app, you’ll receive a login event. This event allows you to track user engagement, monitor login patterns, and optimize the user experience within your mini-app with your preferred tool.

Extra Fields: N/A

ABC User Signed Up

When a user opens your mini-app for the first time, a wallet address will be automatically generated for them, and you will receive a signup event.

Extra Fields: N/A


ABC Mission Progressed

When there is advancement in mission progress. Track user journey and progress towards completing missions for personalized experiences.

Extra Fields:

challengeIdUnique identifier for the challenge in the system.
challengeNameTHThe name of the challenge in Thai language.
challengeNameENThe name of the challenge in English language.
challengeStartTimeThe start time of the challenge.
challengeEndTimeThe end time of the challenge.
missionIdUnique identifier for the mission within the challenge.
missionNameTHThe name of the mission in Thai language.
missionNameENThe name of the mission in English language.
missionPeriodTypeThe type of period for the mission (possible values: Day, Week, Month, Campaign Duration).
missionPeriodThe specific frequency period for the mission (e.g., Day 1, Week 2, Month 1).
missionPeriodProgressThe progress made in the mission period.
missionPeriodGoalThe goal to be achieved in the mission period.
deepLinkA link or URL that provides a direct access to specific challenge.

User Properties for Mixpanel:

abc_firstMissionProgressedThe first date that this user had a mission progress.
abc_lastMissionProgressedThe most recent date that this user had a mission progress.
abc_totalMissionProgressedThe total number of mission progress events recorded for this user.


ABC Mission Completed

When a user successfully completes a mission, the "Mission Completed" event is triggered. Use this event to track progress, reward users, or trigger follow-up actions based on mission completion.

Extra Fields:

challengeIdUnique identifier for the challenge in the system.
challengeNameTHThe name of the challenge in Thai language.
challengeNameENThe name of the challenge in English language.
challengeStartTimeThe start time of the challenge.
challengeEndTimeThe end time of the challenge.
missionIdUnique identifier for the mission within the challenge.
missionNameTHThe name of the mission in Thai language.
missionNameENThe name of the mission in English language.
missionPeriodTypeThe type of period for the mission (possible values: Day, Week, Month, Campaign Duration).
missionPeriodThe specific frequency period for the mission (e.g., Day 1, Week 2, Month 1).
missionPeriodProgressThe progress made in the mission period.
missionPeriodGoalThe goal to be achieved in the mission period.
hasRewardA boolean value indicating if there is a reward associated with the mission completion.
rewardIDThe unique identifier for the reward.
tokenIDThe identifier for the token associated with the reward.
rewardAddressThe address (e.g., 0x818282010) where the reward is stored.
rewardStandardThe standard (e.g., ERC721/ERC1155) of the reward.
rewardNameTHThe name of the reward in Thai language.
rewardNameENThe name of the reward in English language.
rewardTypeThe type of reward (possible values: Badge, NFT, Voucher).
rewardRarityThe rarity level or category of the reward.
metrics_rewardQuantityThe quantity of the reward earned or received.
deepLinkA link or URL that provides a direct access to specific challenge.

User Properties for Mixpanel:

abc_firstMissionCompletedThe first date that this user had a mission completed.
abc_lastMissionCompletedThe most recent date that this user had a mission completed.
abc_totalMissionCompletedThe total number of mission completed events recorded for this user.

ABC Challenge Completed

When a user successfully completes a challenge, the "Challenge Completed" event is triggered. This event signifies the achievement of completing a specific challenge and can be utilized to track user progress, provide rewards, or initiate further actions based on challenge completion.

Extra Fields:

challengeIdUnique identifier for the challenge in the system.
challengeNameTHThe name of the challenge in Thai language.
challengeNameENThe name of the challenge in English language.
challengeStartTimeThe start time of the challenge.
challengeEndTimeThe end time of the challenge.
hasRewardA boolean value indicating if there is a reward associated with the challenge completion.
rewardIDThe unique identifier for the reward.
tokenIDThe identifier for the token associated with the reward.
rewardAddressThe address (e.g., 0x818282010) where the reward is stored.
rewardStandardThe standard (e.g., ERC721/ERC1155) of the reward.
rewardNameTHThe name of the reward in Thai language.
rewardNameENThe name of the reward in English language.
rewardTypeThe type of reward (possible values: Badge, NFT, Voucher).
rewardRarityThe rarity level or category of the reward.
metrics_rewardQuantityThe quantity of the reward earned or received.
deepLinkA link or URL that provides a direct access to specific challenge.

User Properties for Mixpanel:

abc_firstchallengeCompletedThe first date that this user had a challenge completed.
abc_lastchallengeCompletedThe most recent date that this user had a challenge completed.
abc_totalchallengeCompletedThe total number of challenge completed events recorded for this user.


ABC Reward Received

When a user receives a reward after complete the mission or challenge, the "Reward Received" event is triggered. This event signifies the successful delivery of a reward to the user and can be used to track reward distribution, provide acknowledgments, or update user records based on the received reward.

Extra Fields:

walletAddressThe user's wallet address where the reward has been sent.
rewardTransferTxIdThe transaction ID associated with the reward transfer.
isMissionRewardA boolean value indicating whether the reward is specifically related to a mission (true or false).
challengeIdUnique identifier for the challenge in the system.
challengeNameENThe name of the challenge in English language.
challengeStartTimeThe start time of the challenge.
challengeEndTimeThe end time of the challenge.
missionIdUnique identifier for the mission within the challenge.
missionNameENThe name of the mission in English language.
rewardIDThe unique identifier for the reward.
tokenIDThe identifier for the token associated with the reward.
rewardAddressThe address (e.g., 0x818282010) where the reward is stored.
rewardStandardThe standard (e.g., ERC721/ERC1155) of the reward.
rewardNameENThe name of the reward in English language.
rewardTypeThe type of reward (possible values: Badge, NFT, Voucher).
rewardRarityThe rarity level or category of the reward.
metrics_rewardQuantityThe quantity of the reward earned or received.

User Properties for Mixpanel:

abc_firstRewardReceivedThe first date that this user had a reward received.
abc_lastRewardReceivedThe most recent date that this user had a reward received.
abc_totalRewardReceivedThe total number of reward received events recorded for this user.

ABC Point Received

When a user receives points in the ABC system, the "ABC Point Received" event is triggered. This event captures details about the points earned, including the quantity, expiration date, and transaction information, allowing businesses to track and reward user engagement.

Extra Fields:

currencyPoint currency symbol
expiredPoint expiry date
descriptionThTransaction description in Thai language
descriptionEnTransaction description in English language
ruleIdThe rule ID associated with the points transaction
ruleNameEnRule name in English language
ruleNameThRule name in Thai language
metrics_pointAmountThe quantity of points earned or received
metrics_pointBalanceThe total point balance after the transaction

User Properties for Mixpanel:

abc_CURRENCY_balancePoint balance
abc_CURRENCY_expiryPoint expiration date
abc_CURRENCY_firstReceivedThe first date that this user received points
abc_CURRENCY_lastReceivedThe last date that this user received points
abc_CURRENCY_receivedFrequencyThe total number of point received events for this user


ABC Point Redeemed

When a user redeems points within the ABC system, the "ABC Point Redeemed" event is triggered. This event captures details about the points spent, including the quantity, and transaction information. It allows businesses to track user engagement and the usage of points for various transactions.

Extra Fields:

currencyPoint currency
descriptionThTransaction description in Thai language
descriptionEnTransaction description in English language
ruleIdThe rule ID associated with the points transaction
ruleNameEnRule name in English language
ruleNameThRule name in Thai language
metrics_pointAmountThe quantity of points used in the transaction
metrics_pointBalanceThe total point balance after the transaction

User Properties for Mixpanel:

abc_CURRENCY_balancePoint balance
abc_CURRENCY_firstRedeemedThe first date that this user used points
abc_CURRENCY_lastRedeemedThe last date that this user used points
abc_CURRENCY_redeemedFrequencyThe total number of point used events for this user


ABC Point Expired

When points in the ABC system expire, the "ABC Point Expired" event is triggered. This event captures details about the expired points, including currency, expiration date, and metrics related to point amounts and balances. It allows businesses to track and manage point expirations for user engagement.

Extra Fields:

currencyPoint currency
expiredPoint expiry date
metrics_pointAmountThe quantity of points that expired
metrics_pointBalanceThe total point balance after the expiration

User Properties for Mixpanel:

abc_CURRENCY_balancePoint balance
abc_CURRENCY_firstExpiredThe first date that this user had points expire
abc_CURRENCY_lastExpiredThe last date that this user had points expire
abc_CURRENCY_expiredFrequencyThe total number of point expiration events for this user