🎉 Welcome to beta release.
API Guide

Marketplace API Integration Guide (Beta)

In this guide, we'll show you all the information you need to get started, from obtaining access tokens to making API calls and handling callbacks.

Begin development in the staging environment to test and debug the integration. Once testing is successful, promote the integration to the production environment for live usage.

Getting Started

Here's a simplified overview of how the integration works:

Obtain Credentials

First, obtain the necessary credentials from the organization owner. You'll need the the following information to authenticate your requests.

  • Client ID
  • Client secret

Request Token

Next, make an API call to request a token for authentication.

Obtain Credentials
curl --location '{abc-auth-url}/realms/partner/protocol/openid-connect/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id={your-client-id}' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret={you-client-secret}' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials'

Call the API to retrieve listing list on marketplace

Once you have the token, you can use it to call listing information list that sell on marketplace.

Call Get Listing API
curl --location --request GET '{marketplace-baseurl}/orgs/{org-id}/marketplaces/{marketplace-address}/products?tokenType={token-type}&status={status}&limit={limit}&skip={page}&sort={sorting}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'
marketplace-baseurlstringYThe base URL of the marketplace.https://api-stg.abc-dev.network/latitude/marketplaces (opens in a new tab)
org-idstringYThe ID of organization.762ab685-70b7-4bf4-9ae3-bbd4e59c9ce2
marketplace-addressstringYThe marketplace contract address.0xd987F18f0e7BdaAfBD8F0628084Ca353A8905AEb
token-typestringNThe type of token. Deals - coupon or lucky draw, Caper - cashbackDeals Caper
statusstringNThe status of the listinglive scheduled end sold_out
limitintNThe number of items to return. Default=10, Min=1, Max=100010
pageintNThe page number to return. Default=0, Min=00
sortingstringNThe sorting order of the listing.startTimestamp:asc startTimestamp:desc
access-tokenstringNThe access token obtained from the previous step.-


Get Listing Response
    "items": [
            "status": "live",
            "stock": 92,
            "price": 1,
            "discountedPrice": 1,
            "productStartDate": "2024-09-18T05:00:00Z",
            "productEndDate": "2024-09-29T17:00:00Z",
            "listingId": "121",
            "contractId": "0xcbecb5389e677953685b7d7611fb2d4bf5712a10",
            "tokenId": "7",
            "owner": "0x92258317dD9b7087B170DaDEEbfD697a09eCBC24",
            "assetContractId": "0xf54ec3459840ce27ff87af366422c0f3db9d677d",
            "currency": {
                "contractAddress": "0xd2243378630beb69175355199b287817ddcc2a28",
                "symbol": "TMC",
                "name": "TrueMoney Coin"
            "tokenType": "Caper",
            "asCaper": {
                "id": "0xf54ec3459840ce27ff87af366422c0f3db9d677d_7",
                "metadata": [
                        "id": "QmaJ1mfajv938n9qvcKFCEzjNRe68HjCurHXGL8yCnvw2w/metadata-th.json",
                        "locale": "th",
                        "name": "แคลช-20240712-2129",
                        "description": "แคลช-20240712-2129",
                        "image": "/reward-callbacks/579bd5d9-3a7f-4d6c-af93-7744504bae4d/6371386a72706439707063646337736768673730.jpeg",
                        "prefix": "ABC",
                        "campaignId": "1513177",
                        "campaignName": "ABC_CB_01",
                        "shortDescription": "แคลช-20240712-2129",
                        "tnc": "แคลช-20240712-2129",
                        "value": "10"
                        "id": "QmaJ1mfajv938n9qvcKFCEzjNRe68HjCurHXGL8yCnvw2w/metadata.json",
                        "locale": "en",
                        "name": "cashback-20240712-2129",
                        "description": "cashback-20240712-2129",
                        "image": "/reward-callbacks/579bd5d9-3a7f-4d6c-af93-7744504bae4d/6371386a72706439707063646337736768673730.jpeg",
                        "prefix": "ABC",
                        "campaignId": "1513177",
                        "campaignName": "ABC_CB_01",
                        "shortDescription": "cashback-20240712-2129",
                        "tnc": "cashback-20240712-2129",
                        "value": "10"
            "userLimit": 0
            "status": "live",
            "stock": 1,
            "price": 10,
            "discountedPrice": 10,
            "productStartDate": "2024-09-05T12:12:00Z",
            "productEndDate": "2024-11-06T17:00:00Z",
            "listingId": "114",
            "contractId": "0xcbecb5389e677953685b7d7611fb2d4bf5712a10",
            "tokenId": "4",
            "owner": "0x92258317dD9b7087B170DaDEEbfD697a09eCBC24",
            "assetContractId": "0x9eec777557be96ecf18792b80add54cbb27ceed9",
            "currency": {
                "contractAddress": "0xd2243378630beb69175355199b287817ddcc2a28",
                "symbol": "TMC",
                "name": "TrueMoney Coin"
            "tokenType": "Deals",
            "asDeal": {
                "id": "0x9eec777557be96ecf18792b80add54cbb27ceed9_4",
                "metadata": [
                        "id": "QmS3TQU1k9fNVDyn7UVfVtxDpfo3iZdwe7kL5ETa2qoSDV/metadata-th.json",
                        "locale": "th",
                        "name": "ดีล-20240826-1527",
                        "description": "ดีล-20240826-1527",
                        "image": "https://vms-light-sto-dev.abc.abc-dev.network/ba5ff802cd17821e528322a63864257b.png",
                        "startDateTime": "2024-08-25T17:00:00Z",
                        "endDateTime": "2025-12-31T17:00:00Z",
                        "tagline": "ดีล-20240826-1527",
                        "value": "10000",
                        "redemptionCTA": "กรุณาแสดงรหัสนี้แก่เจ้าหน้าที่เพื่อแลกรับสิทธิ์",
                        "dealStatus": "Published",
                        "tnc": "ดีล-20240826-1527",
                        "thumbnail": "https://vms-light-sto-dev.abc.abc-dev.network/ba5ff802cd17821e528322a63864257b.png",
                        "bgPicture": "https://vms-light-sto-dev.abc.abc-dev.network/a3a79f0f9f35d856d19ad1f1c5bb6964.png",
                        "dealType": "rewards_catalogue",
                        "categoryName": "อาหารและเครื่องดื่ม",
                        "categorySequence": "1",
                        "merchantName": "พ่อค้า-20240814-0923",
                        "merchantImage": "https://vms-light-sto-dev.abc.abc-dev.network/d350b314daf2e7d634983683be65ee70.jpeg"
                        "id": "QmS3TQU1k9fNVDyn7UVfVtxDpfo3iZdwe7kL5ETa2qoSDV/metadata.json",
                        "locale": "en",
                        "name": "deal-20240826-1527",
                        "description": "deal-20240826-1527",
                        "image": "https://vms-light-sto-dev.abc.abc-dev.network/ba5ff802cd17821e528322a63864257b.png",
                        "startDateTime": "2024-08-25T17:00:00Z",
                        "endDateTime": "2025-12-31T17:00:00Z",
                        "tagline": "deal-20240826-1527",
                        "value": "10000",
                        "redemptionCTA": "Please show this code to the staff to redeem your privilege.",
                        "dealStatus": "Published",
                        "tnc": "deal-20240826-1527",
                        "thumbnail": "https://vms-light-sto-dev.abc.abc-dev.network/ba5ff802cd17821e528322a63864257b.png",
                        "bgPicture": "https://vms-light-sto-dev.abc.abc-dev.network/a3a79f0f9f35d856d19ad1f1c5bb6964.png",
                        "dealType": "rewards_catalogue",
                        "categoryName": "F\u0026B",
                        "categorySequence": "1",
                        "merchantName": "merchant-20240814-0923",
                        "merchantImage": "https://vms-light-sto-dev.abc.abc-dev.network/d350b314daf2e7d634983683be65ee70.jpeg"
            "userLimit": 0
    "limit": 10,
    "skip": 0

Upon making the API call with any option, you will receive one of the following HTTP responses:

200OKThe API request has been successfully, and the listing information is returned.
400Invalid RequestYour request contains invalid parameters. Ensure all parameters are correct and try again.
401Access DeniedYour request lacks sufficient scope permissions. Make sure your authentication credentials have the necessary access rights.
403Access ForbiddenYour client is not authorized to access this resource. Check your client credentials and ensure they are properly authenticated.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal server error occurred. Please try your request again later. If the issue persists, contact support for assistance.

Call the API to checkout listing on marketplace

Once you have the token and listing information, you can use it to make API calls to checkout asynchronously. We provide two options for making the API call, with or without signing.

Call the API to checkout listing on marketplace without Signing

If your system does not support signing, you can make the API call without the signature. Here's an example of it:

Call Checkout API
curl --location '{marketplace-baseurl}/orgs/{org-id}/marketplaces/{marketplace-address}/order' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}' \
--data '{
    "userId": "{user-id}",
    "currencyAddr": "{point-address}",
    "items": [
            "listingId": "{listing-id}",
            "quantity": {quantity},
            "price": {price},
            "subTotal": {subtotal}
            "listingId": "{listing-id}",
            "quantity": {quantity},
            "price": {price},
            "subTotal": {subtotal}
    "requestId": "{your-request-id}",
    "callbackUrl": "{your-callback-url}"
marketplace-baseurlstringYThe base URL of the marketplace.https://api-stg.abc-dev.network/latitude/marketplaces (opens in a new tab)
org-idstringYThe ID of organization.762ab685-70b7-4bf4-9ae3-bbd4e59c9ce2
marketplace-addressstringYThe marketplace contract address.0xd987F18f0e7BdaAfBD8F0628084Ca353A8905AEb
user-idstringYUser ID.tmn.10003227577
point-addressstringYThe point contract address that that used to exchange for checkout process.0x85aabefbd40be95c9dec4938598d3faf6a7adb27
listing-idstringYThe ID of listing.1
quantityintYThe quantity of listing. Min=15
priceintNThe price of the listing.10
subtotalintNThe result of price multiply with quantity.50
requestIdstringYYour request ID.req-123456
callbackUrlstringNThe URL to receive the callback result.-
access-tokenstringNThe access token obtained from the previous step.-

Call the API to checkout listing with Signature on marketplace

If you would like to make the call more secure, you can make the API call with the signature by using this example:

Note: To implement API call with Signature, Please send your Public Key and contact us to enable it for you.

Call Checkout with signature API
curl --location '{marketplace-baseurl}/orgs/{org-id}/marketplaces/{marketplace-address}/order' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}' \
--header 'Digest: SHA-512={base64Hash}' \
--header 'Signature: keyId="${key}",algorithm="RSA-SHA256",created=${timestampInSec},headers="(created) digest (request-target)",signature="${sign}"' \
--data '{
    "userId": "{customer-user-id}",
    "currencyAddr": "{point-address}",
    "items": [
            "listingId": "{listing-id}",
            "quantity": {quantity},
            "price": {price},
            "subTotal": {subtotal}
            "listingId": "{listing-id}",
            "quantity": {quantity},
            "price": {price},
            "subTotal": {subtotal}
    "requestId": "{your-request-id}",
    "callbackUrl": "{your-callback-url}"

Upon making the API call with any option, you will receive one of the following HTTP responses:

200OKThe checkout is accepted and processed. A callback will be sent to the specified callback URL with the processing result.
400Invalid RequestYour request contains invalid parameters. Ensure all parameters are correct and try again. Or user is reach user limit to buy for item in body
401Access DeniedYour request lacks sufficient scope permissions. Make sure your authentication credentials have the necessary access rights.
403Access ForbiddenYour client is not authorized to access this resource. Check your client credentials and ensure they are properly authenticated.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal server error occurred. Please try your request again later. If the issue persists, contact support for assistance.

Response In case of created order successful (http status 200), you will get this information.

Checkout Response
  "orderId": "{order-id}",
  "workflowId": "{workflow-id}"
order-idstringThe ID of order.KN3mXlP
workflow-idstringThe workflow ID of checkout, you can use it to get current status of order.mkp-order-buy-0x54aad8d0FAC1bD1B2b2A1a36522F92e6dB20F419-309

Check Order Status

After the order created, It will not be accomplished immediately. But it will be fulfilled in order. You can use this endpoint to get current status of order. Or wait for callback result if you provide callbackUrl in checkout API.

Check Order Status
curl --location '{marketplace-baseurl}/orgs/{org-id}/marketplaces/{marketplace-address}/order/{wofkflow-id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'


Check Order Status Response
  "status": "{status}",
  "error": "{error-message}"
statusstringThe order status, possible value Completed - order fulfullied, Failed - order failed to fulfillCompleted, Failed
error-messagestringerror message in case order failed

Handling Callback Results

After making the API call to checkout listing on marketplace, you'll receive a callback with the processing result.


  "orderId": "{order-id}",
  "clientId": "{your-client-id}",
  "userId": "{user-id}",
  "requestId": "{your-request-id}",
  "timestamp": "2024-04-12T07:41:26.633135053Z",
  "status": "Completed"
  • orderId: Order ID from our system.
  • clientId: Your client ID.
  • userId: User ID.
  • requestId: Your request ID.
  • timestamp: Finish timestamp of the order.
  • status: Status of the order (Completed or Failed).


  "orderId": "{order-id}",
  "clientId": "{your-client-id}",
  "userId": "{user-id}",
  "requestId": "{your-request-id}",
  "timestamp": "2024-04-12T07:41:26.633135053Z",
  "status": "Failed",
  "errorMessage": "insufficient_balance"
  • errorMessage: Reason for failure (e.g., insufficient_balance, listing_out_of_stock).

Additional Resources

To access URLs for staging or production environments, please refer to the API Overview.